Saturday, October 6, 2012

Top Five Baby Essentials

OOPS. This post was on the backburner for some time now, mom duties come first. Now that Mr. D is 14 weeks old, I feel that I've got enough experience under my belt to determine what was (and still is, I like to think my baby is a newborn until he can start eating solids) the most essential for the care of newborn babies.

1. Aden and Anais Swaddle Blanket

These are lifesavers! Made out of muslin, they're perfect for multiple uses. I use them as a breastfeeding cover, to swaddle Mr. D at night, floor cover for tummy time, protection from the elements (just drape over car seat or stroller) and as a burp cloth. I always make sure I have one on hand everywhere I go. No need for a hooter hider or fancy burp cloths.

2. BumGenius 4.0 All in One Diaper

For the cloth diapering mamas (to those who arent cloth diapering, you should give it a shot!), this is the most easiest way to cloth diaper or CD. Just stuff your insert in the diaper and go. Its also one size fits all. Pure genius I tell ya! The color options are long, I bought about every color possible. For those who are curious, I have 18 diapers in my stash, it lasts me a couple days.

On another note: A friend, Erika, recently gifted me a diaper from The Little Bee Co, this will become my go to diapers in the future for baby #2. Their diapers are all in ones too, they come with the most plushest microfiber inserts. The workmanship is really great and for the price its even better than the BG AIO diapers! They've got pretty awesome people behind the name, they donate a diaper to babies in need for every diaper purchased.

3. Weleda Calendula Shampoo & Lotion

Your baby will start to smell and get dirty at some point. I wanted something that would be gentle on my baby's sensitive skin. This fit the bill and the smell is nice - it has that hippie smell - which I love. :)

4. Beco Gemini carrier

Beco makes their carriers out of organic material, they feel more soft and comfortable than the other carriers I scoped out at stores. I carried Mr. D the first few weeks in the carrier, no problem mate. I've only carried him chest to chest at this point, I haven't tried the hip hold yet and I refuse to forward carry him for several reasons to be discussed at a later point. I got my carrier through Craigslist at a measly 60 bucks! Score! I have it in the Paige pattern, gender neutral in my opinion.

5. Carters Onesies

You gotta dress up that baby, this one is an obvious essential. Carter's has the best onesies around in my opinion, they give you the best bang for your buck. They come in packs of three or five, I bought them in white - the most versatile color. The other similiar priced brands are sized weird and they feel cheap.

Tons of hugs,


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